Yao-Ting Sung

張存真、宋曜廷、邱皓政(2023)。教師專業自主與教學實踐關係之研究--教師自我效能的中介效果。國立政治大學教育與心理研究,46(1),1-37。(DOI 10.53106/102498852023034601001)


張存真、宋曜廷、邱皓政(2022)。教師協作在校長教學領導對教師自我效能 影響的多層次中介效果研究: 兼論教育階段的調節效果。教育科學研究期刊,67 (4),35-72。(TSSCI)

蘇容梅、宋曜廷、于文正(2021)。美、澳、星三國小學師資培育課程與認證制度對我國啟示之探討。教育科學研究期刊,66(2),35-74。 (https://doi.org/10.6209/JORIES.202106_66(2).0002)

胡翠君、許媖茹、宋曜廷。(2020)。英語作為外語的國小畢業生詞彙量、 詞彙閾值與閱讀理解。教育科學研究期刊,65(1),137-174。(TSSCI)

陳昭珍、宋曜廷、章瓊方、曾厚強。(2020)配合國小課程單元科普讀物人工分級推薦與系統可讀性分析之差異研究。圖書資訊學刊。18(1),45-67。(doi: 10.6182/jlis.202006_18(1).045)


趙子揚*、宋曜廷。(2019)。中學生考試壓力與個人特性:潛在類別分析。教育科學研究期刊,64(3),221-252。 (TSSCI)

趙子揚*、宋曜廷、郭蕙寧、張瑩瑩 (2018)。中學生考試壓力團體之成效。教育心理學報,50(1),31-52。(TSSCI)










王德蕙、李奕璇、曾芬蘭、宋曜廷*(2013)。國民中學學生基本學力測驗寫作測驗信度與效度分析研究。測驗學刊。60 (1),151-184。(TSSCI)(通訊作者)

宋曜廷、陳茹玲、李宜憲、查日龢、曾厚強、林維駿、張道行、張國恩(2013)。中文文本可讀性分析:指標選取、模型建立與效度驗證。中華心理學刊。55 (1),75-106。(TSSCI)












宋曜廷、邱佳民、曾芬蘭、劉欣宜、陳柏熹(2009)。以國中基本學力測驗成績探討班級大小效應。教育科學研究期刊(原師大學報教育類),54(2), 59-83。(TSSCI)


張淑萍、張國恩、宋曜廷(2009)。Second Life在企業推動數位學習之可行性評估。數位與開放學習期刊。2,36-53。









劉佩雲、簡馨瑩、宋曜廷(2003)。國小學童閱讀動機與閱讀行為之相關研究。教育研究資訊,11(6),135-158。(NSC92-2520-S-003-004) (TSSCI)

Chang,T.J.& Sung,Y.T.(2024). Does teacher motivation really matter? Exploring the mediating role of teachers' self-efficacy in the relationship between motivation and job satisfaction. The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher. Published: 08 January 2024.(https://doi.org/10.1007/s40299-023-00803-4)

Chao,T.Y., Sung,Y.T. &Tseng,F.L. (2024).High-stakes test anxiety among Taiwanese adolescents: a longitudinal study. Cogent Education. Published online: 27 Feb 2024 .(https://doi.org/10.1080/2331186X.2024.2321019)

Chang, C. Y., Tsai, M. N., Sung, Y. T., Cho, S. L., & Chen, H. C. (2023). Weighting assessment of Chinese state-changing words on emotions. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research, 52, 2545–2566. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10936-023-09986-9 (SSCI)

Chang,K.E.,Tai,Y.W.,Liu,T.C.,& Sung,Y.T.(2023).Embedding dialog reading into AR picture books. Interactive Learning Environments,1-17.

Liao, Y. H., Lee, M. F., Sung, Y. T., & Chen, H. C. (2023). The Effects of Humor Intervention on Teenagers’ Sense of Humor, Positive Emotions, and Learning Ability: A Positive Psychological Perspective. Journal of Happiness Studies, 1-19.

Chao, T. Y., & Sung, Y. T. (2022). Testing the Uncertainty-of-Stress Model: Developing the Adolescent Uncertainty Scale for Taiwanese Adolescents. The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher, 1-14.

Chao,T.Y. & Sung,Y.T.(2022). Testing the Uncertainty-of-Stress Model: Developing the Adolescent Uncertainty Scale for Taiwanese Adolescents. The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher. Published online 2022 Aug 04. (https://doi.org/10.1007/s40299-022-00674-1)

Hu,T.C., Sung, Y.T., Liang, H.H., Chang, T.-J.& Chou, Y.-T.(2022).Relative Roles of Grammar Knowledge and Vocabulary in the Reading Comprehension of EFL Elementary-School Learners: Direct, Mediating, and Form/Meaning-Distinct Effects. Frontiers in Psychology. Published online 2022 Jun (doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2022.827007)(corresponding author)

Sung, Y.T., Cheng, H.H., Tseng, H.C., Chang, K.E., & Lin, S.Y. (2022). Construction and validation of a computerized creativity assessment tool with automated scoring based on deep-learning techniques. Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts. Advance online publication. (https://doi.org/10.1037/aca0000450) (SSCI)

Zhang, J., Yen, S. H., Liu, T. C., Sung, Y. T., & Chang, K. E. (2022). Studies on learning effects of AR-assisted and PPT-based lectures. The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher, 31(1), 1-10.

Hong, J. F., Peng, C. Y., Tseng, H. C., & Sung, Y. T. (2020). Linguistic feature analysis of CEFR labeling reliability and validity in language textbooks. Journal of Technology and Chinese Language Teaching, 11(1), 57-83.

Liao, C.N., Chang, K.E., Huang, Y.C., & Sung, Y.T. (2020). Electronic storybook design, kindergartners' visual attention, and print awareness: An eye-tracking investigation. Computers & Education, 144. 103703.

Yang, J. M., Sung, Y. T., & Chang, K. E. (2020). Use of meta-analysis to uncover the critical issues of mobile inquiry-based learning. Journal of Educational Computing Research, 58(4), 715-746. (SSCI)

Zhang, J., Huang, Y. T., Liu, T. C., Sung, Y. T., & Chang, K. E. (2020). Augmented reality worksheets in field trip learning. Interactive Learning Environments, 1-18. (SSCI)

Chang, K. E., Zhang, J., Huang, Y. S., Liu, T. C., & Sung, Y. T. (2019)(Online first). Applying augmented reality in physical education on motor skills learning. Interactive Learning Environments. (SSCI)

Chao, T. Y., Sung, Y. T., & Huang, J. L. (2019)(Online first). Construction of the situational judgment tests for teachers. Asia-Pacific Journal of Teacher Education. (SSCI)

Hsieh, S.S., Tsai, J.R., Chang, S.H., Ho, J.Y., Chen, J.F., Chen, P.H., Sung, Y.T., & Hung, T.M. (2019). The subject-dependent, cumulative, and recency association of aerobic fitness with academic performance in Taiwanese junior high school students. BMC Pediatrics,19:25. (SCIE)

Lin, S.Y., Chen, H.C., Chang, T.H., Lee, W.E., & Sung. Y.T.* (2019). CLAD: A Corpus-Derived Chinese Lexical Association Database. Behavior Research Methods,51:2310-2336. (SSCI)(* Corresponding author)

Sung, Y. T., Chang, Y. T., Cheng, T. Y., & Tien, H. L. (2019). Development and validation of a work values scale for assessing high school students: A mixed method approach. European Journal of Psychological Assessment,35(4),526-543.(SSCI)

Sung, Y.T., Lee, H.L., & Yang, J.M. (2019). The quality of experimental designs in mobile learning research: A systemic review and self-improvement tool. Educational Research Review,28,100279.  (SSCI)

Tseng, H.C., Chen, B., Chang, T.H., & Sung, Y.T.* (2019). Integrating LSA-based hierarchical conceptual space and machine learning methods for leveling the readability of domain-specific texts. Natural Language Engineering, 25(3), 331–361. (SSCI; SCIE)(* Corresponding author)

Hsieh, S.S., Tsai, J.R., Chang, S.H., Cheng, C.H., Sung, Y.T., & Hung, T.M. (2018). The relations between 3-year changes in physical fitness and academic performance in nationally representative sample of junior high school students. Scientific Reports, 8:15978. (SCIE)

Hsu, F.Y., Lee. H. M., Chang. T. H., Sung, Y. T.(2018).Automated estimation of item difficulty for multiple-choice tests:An application of word embedding techniques. Information Processing and Management ,54(6),969–984.(SSCI)

Sung,Y.T. &Wu,J.S.(2018).The Visual Analogue Scale for Rating, Ranking and Paired-Comparison.(VAS-RRP): A new technique for psychological measurement.Behavior Research Methods. 50(4), 1694–1715.(SSCI)

Hsiung, H.Y., Chang, Y.L., Chen, H.C., Sung, Y.T.(2017).Effect of stroke-order learning and handwriting exercises on recognizing and writing Chinese characters by Chinese as a foreign language learners.Computers in Human Behavior,74, 303-310. (SSCI)(DOI:10.1016/j.chb.2017.04.022)

Lan ,Y.J., Chen, N.S., Sung, Y.T.(2017).Guest Editorial: Learning Analytics in Technology Enhanced Language Learning. Journal of Educational Technology & Society,20(2),158-160.(SSCI)

Sung, Y.-T., Cheng, Y.-W., & Hsueh, J.-H. (2017). Identifying the career-interest profiles of junior-high-school students through latent profile analysis. Journal of Psychology, 151(3), 229–246. (SSCI)

Sung, Y.T., Yang,J.M., Lee, H.Y.(2017).The Effects of Mobile-Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning: Meta-Analysis and Critical Synthesis.Review of Educational Research,87(4),768–805.(DOI: 10.3102/0034654317704307) (SSCI)

Chao, K. H., Chang, K. E., Lan, C. H., Kinshuk, & Sung, Y. T. (2016). Integration of Mobile AR Technology in Performance Assessment. Educational Technology & Society,19(4), 239–251.

Hong, J. F., Sung, Y. T., Tseng, H.C., Chang, K E., & Chen, J. L. *(2016). A multilevel analysis of the linguistic features affecting Chinese text readability. Taiwan Journal of Chinese as a Second Language, 13, 95-126. (THCI Core)

Hou, H. T.,Yu, T. F.,Wu, Y. X.,Sung, Y. T.,&Chang, K. E.(2016).Development and evaluation of a web map mind tool environment with the theory of spatial thinking and project-based learning strategy.British Journal of Educational Technology,47(2)390–402.(DOI: 10.1111/bjet.12241View/save citation)

Lan, Y. J., Kan, Y.H., Sung, Y.T. & Chang, K.E. (2016). Oral-performance Language Tasks for CSL Beginners In Second Life. Language Learning & Technology,20(3),60-79 (SSCI)

Sung, Y. T., Chao, T. Y., & Tseng, F. L. (2016). Reexamining the relationship between test anxiety and learning achievement: An individual- differences perspective. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 46, 241-252. (SSCI)

Tang, J. T., Sung, Y. T. & Chang, K. E. (2016).Action research on the development of Chinese communication in a virtual community. Computer Assisted Language Learning,29(5),942-967. (SSCI) (DOI:10.1080/09588221.2015.1113184)

Sung, Y. T., Cha, J. H., Tu, J. Y., Wu, M. D., & Lin, W. C. (2016). Investigating the processing of relative clauses in Mandarin Chinese: Evidence from eye-movement data. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research,45(5),1089-1113.

Sung, Y. T., Chang, K. E. & Liu, T. C. (2016). The effects of integrating mobile devices with teaching and learning on students' learning performance: A meta-analysis and research synthesis. Computers & Education, 94, 252-275 (SSCI).

Sung, Y. T., Chang,T.H., Lin,W.C., Hsieh, K.S., & Chang,K.E .(2016).CRIE: An Automated Analyzer for Chinese Texts. Behavior Research Methods,48(4),1238-1251  (SSCI)(DOI 10.3758/s13428-015-0649-1)

Sung, Y. T., Cheng, Y. W., & Wu, J. S. (2016).Constructing a situation-based career interest assessment for junior-high-school students and examining their interest structure. Journal of Career Assessment,24(2) ,347-365. (SSCI)(DOI:10.1177/1069072715580419)

Sung, Y. T., Liao, C. N., Chang, T. H., Chen, C. L., & Chang, K. E. (2016). The effect of online summary assessment and feedback system on the summary writing on 6th graders: The LSA-based technique. Computers & Education, 95, 1-18. (SSCI)

Sung, Y. T., Tu, J. Y., Cha, J. H., & Wu, M. D. (2016). Processing preference toward object-extracted relative clauses in mandarin Chinese by L1 and L2 speakers: An eye-tracking study. Frontiers in Psychology (Language Science section) ,7(4),1-14. (SSCI)(DOI:10.3389/fpsyg.2016.00004)

Chang, Y.L., Hou, H.T., Pan, C.Y., Sung, Y.T., Chang, K.E. (2015). Apply an augmented reality in a mobile guidance to Increase Sense of Place for Heritage Places. Educational Technology & Society, 18(2), 166-178. (SSCI)

Chang. T. H., Sung, Y. T., Hong, J. F.(2015).Automatically Detecting Syntactic Errors in Sentences Written by Learners of Chinese as a Foreign Language.Computational Linguistics and Chinese Language Processing.20, (1), 49-64.

Lan, Y. J., Sung, Y. T.*, Cheng, C. C., & Chang, K. E. (2015). Computer-supported cooperative prewriting for enhancing young EFL learners' writing performance. Language Learning & Technology, 19(2). (SSCI)(*Corresponding author)

Sung, Y. T., & Chao, T. Y. (2015).Construction of the examination stress scale for adolescent students. Measurement and Evaluation in Counseling and Development, 48(1), 44-58. (SSCI)

Sung, Y. T., Chang, K. E., & Yang, J. M. (2015). How effective are mobile devices for language learning and teaching? A meta-analysis. Educational Research Review,16, 68-84. (DOI:10.1016/j.edurev.2015.09.001)

Sung, Y. T., Chen, J. L., Cha, J. H., Tseng, H. C., Chang, T. H., & Chang, K. E. (2015). Constructing and validating readability models: Integrating multilevel linguistic features with machine learning methods. Behavior Research Methods, 47, 340-354. (SSCI)(DOI 10.3758/s13428-014-0459-x)

Sung, Y. T., Lin, W. C., Dyson, S. B., Chang, K. E.,& Chen, Y. C. (2015). Leveling L2 texts through readability: Combining multilevel linguistic features with the CEFR. The Modern Language Journal,99(2), 371-391. (SSCI)(DOI: 10.1111/modl.12213)

Sung, Y. T., Shih, P. C., & Chang, K. E. (2015). The effects of 3D-representation instruction on composite-solid surface-area learning for elementary school students. Instructional Science, 43, 115-145. (SSCI)(DOI:10.1007/s11251-014-9331-8)

Sung, Y. T., Wu,M.D., Chen,C.K. & Chang,K.E. (2015). Examining the online reading behavior and performance of fifth-graders: evidence from eye-movement data. Frontiers in Psychology, 6, 1-15. (SSCI)(DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2015.00665)

Chang, K. E., Chang, C. T., Hou, H. T., Sung, Y. T., Chao, H. L., & Lee, C. M. (2014). Development and behavioral pattern analysis of a mobile guide system with augmented reality for painting appreciation instruction in an art museum. Computers & Education, 71, 185-197.(NSC-99-2511-S-003-026-MY3, NSC-100-2628-S-011-001-MY4, NSC-99-2511-S-011-007-MY3) (SSCI)

Chang, K. E., Wu, L. J., Lai, S. C., & Sung, Y. T. (2014). Using mobile devices to enhance the interactive learning for spatial geometry. Interactive Learning Environments, 1-19. (SSCI)(DOI:10.1080/10494820.2014.948458)

Chang, T.H., Liu, C.L., Su, S.Y., & Sung, Y.T. (2014). Integrating various features to grade students’ writings based on improved multivariate Bernoulli model. Information: An International Interdisciplinary Journal, 17(1), 45–52.

Hou, H. T., Wu, S. Y., Lin, P. C., Sung, Y. T., Lin, J. W., & Chang, K. E.(2014). A blended mobile learning environment for museum learning. Educational Technology & Society, 17(2), 207–218. (SSCI)

Tseng,C.C., Chen, C.H., Chen,H.C., Sung,Y.T., Chang, K.E. (2014).Verification of dual factors theory with eye movements during a matchstick arithmetic insight problem. Thinking Skills and Creativity, 13, 129-140. (SSCI)

Sung, Y.T., Huang, L.Y., Tseng, F.L., & Chang, K.E. (2014).The aspects and ability groups in which little fish perform worse than big fish: examining the big-fish-little-pond effect in the context of school tracking. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 39(3), 220-232. (SSCI)

Sung, Y.T., Tseng, F.L., Kuo, N.P., Chang, T.Y., & Chiou, J.M. (2014) Evaluating the effects of programs for reducing achievement gaps: a case study in Taiwan. Asia Pacific Education Review, 15(1), 99-113. (SSCI)

Zhang, J., Sung, Y. T., Hou, H. T., & Chang, K. E. (2014). The development and evaluation of an augmented reality-based armillary sphere for astronomical observation instruction. Computers & Education, 73, 178-188. (SSCI)

Chen, H. C., Hsu, C. C., Chang, L. Y., Lin, Y. C., Chang, K. E., & Sung, Y. T. (2013). Using a radical-derived character e-Learning platform to increase learner knowledge of Chinese characters. Language Learning & Technology, 17(1), 89-106. (NSC-100-2631-S-003-007) (SSCI)

Chen, Y. L., Pan, P. R., Sung, Y. T., & Chang, K. E. (2013). Correcting misconceptions on electronics: Effects of a simulation-based learning environment backed by a conceptual change model. Educational Technology & Society, 16(2), 212–227.

Cheng, C. C. J., Wang, W. L., Sung, Y. T., Wang, Y. C., Su, S. Y., & Li, C. Y. (2013). Effect modification by parental education on the associations of birth order and gender with learning achievement in adolescents. Child: Care, Health and Development, 139(6), 894-902.(SSCI)

Lan, Y. J., Sung, Y. T., & Chang, K. E. (2013). From particular to popular: Facilitating EFL mobile-supported cooperative reading. Language Learning & Technology, 17(3), 23-38. (SSCI)

Lee, R. W., Sung, Y. T., & Tzeng, J. L. (2013). Examining the efficiency of learning technology on game's task-specific and task-general effects from the perspective of cognitive neuroscience. Journal of Neuroscience and Neuroengineering, 2(3), 287-295. (SSCI)

Chang,K. E., Wu, L. J., Weng, S. E. & Sung, Y. T. (2012). Embedding game-based problem-solving phase into problem-posing system for mathematics learning. Computers & Education 58(2), 775-786. (SSCI)

Chen, Y. L., Hong, Y. R., Sung, Y. T., & Chang, K. E. (2011). Efficacy of simulation-based learning of electronics using visualization and manipulation. Educational Technology & Society, 14(2), 269–277. (SSCI)

Hou, H.T., Chang, K. E., & Sung, Y. T. (2011). Exploring knowledge sharing discussion behavioral patterns in e-learning communities: A comparison of peer-assessmentand problem-solving strategy. International Journal of Continuing Engineering Education and Life-Long Learning, 21(1), 25-41. (IJCEELL) (EI)

Hou,H. T., Chang, K. E., & Sung, Y. T. (2011). A longitudinal analysis of the behavioral patterns in teachers using blogs for knowledge interactions. British Journal of Educational Technology42(2), 34-36. (SSCI)

Sung, Y. T., & Chang, K. E. (2011). Evaluating the reliability and impact of a quality-assurance system for E-learning courseware. Computers and Education, 57(2), 1615-1627. (SSCI)

Chang, K. E., Lan, Y. J., Chang, C. M., & Sung, Y. T. (2010). Mobile-device-supported strategy for Chinese reading comprehension. Innovations in Education and Teaching International, 47(1), 69-84.(SSCI)

Hou, H. T., Chang, K. E., & Sung, Y. T. (2010). Applying lag sequential analysis to detect visual behavioral patterns of online learning activities. British Journal of Educational Technology, 41(2), 25-27. (SSCI)

Hou, H. T., Chang, K. E., & Sung, Y. T. (2010). What kinds of knowledge do teachers share on blogs? A quantitative content analysis of teachers’ knowledge-sharing on blogs. British Journal of Educational Technology, 41(6), 963-967. (SSCI)

Huang, C. J., Liu M. C., Chang, K. E., Sung, Y. T., Huang, T. H., Chen, C. H., Shen, H. Y., Huang, K. L., Liao, J. J., Hu, K. W., Luo, Y. C. & Chang, T. Y. (2010) .A learning assistance tool for enhancing ICT literacy of elementary school students. Journal of Educational Technology & Society, 13(3), 126-138. (SSCI)

Lan, Y. J., Sung, Y. T., Tan, N. C., Lin, C. P., & Chang, K. E. (2010). Mobile-device-supported problem-based computational estimation instruction for elementary school students. Educational Technology & Society13(3), 55-69. (SSCI)

Sung, Y. T., Chang, K. E., Chang, T. H., & Yu, W. C. (2010). How many heads are better than one? The reliability and validity of teenagers’ self- and peer assessments. Journal of Adolescence, 33(1), 135-145. (SSCI)

Sung, Y. T., Chang, K. E., Hou, H. T., & Chen, P. F. (2010). Designing an electronic guidebook for learning engagement in a museum of history. Computers in Human Behavior, 26(1), 74-83. (SSCI)

Sung, Y. T., Hou, H. T., Liu, C. K., & Chang, K. E. (2010).Mobile guide system using problem-solving strategy for museum learning: asequential learning behavioural pattern analysis. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning26, 106-115. (SSCI)

Hou, H. T., Chang, K. E., & Sung, Y. T. (2009). Using Blogs as a professional development tool for teachers: Analysis of interaction behavioral patterns. Interactive Learning Environment, 17 (4), 325-340. (*Corresponding author) (SSCI)

Hou, H. T., Sung, Y. T., & Chang, K. E. (2009). Exploring the behavioral patterns of an online knowledge sharing discussion activity among teachers with problem-solving strategy. Teaching and Teacher Education, 25(1), 101-108. (SSCI)

Lan, Y. J., Sung, Y. T., & Chang, K. E. (2009). Let's read together: Development and evaluation of a computer assisted reciprocal early English reading ssytem. Computers and Education, 53(4), 1188-1198. (SSCI)

Sung, Y. T., Chang, K. E., Yu, W. C., & Chang, T. H. (2009). Enhancing teachers’learning and reflection through structured digital portfolios. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 25, 375-385. (SSCI)

Chang, K. E., Chen, Y. L., Lin, H. Y., &  Sung, Y. T. (2008). Effects of learning support in simulation-based Physics learning. Computers and Education, 51(4), 1486-1498.(NSC-95-2524-S-003-012) (SSCI)

Chang, K. E., Sung, Y. T., Chen, Y. L., & Huang, L. H. (2008). Learning multiplication through computer-assisted activities. Computers in Human Behavior, 24(6), 2904-2916. (SSCI)

Hou, H. T., Chang, K. E., & Sung, Y. T. (2008). Analysis of problem-solving based online asynchronous discussion pattern. Educational Technology and Society, 11(1), 17-28. (SSCI)

Sung, Y. T., Chang, K. E., Lee, Y. H., & Yu, W. C. (2008). Effects of a mobile electronic guidebook on visitors attention and visiting behaviors. Educational Technology and Society, 11(2), 67-80. (SSCI)

Sung, Y. T., Chang, K. E., & Huang, J. S. (2008). Improving children’s reading comprehension and use of strategies through computer-based strategy training. Computers in Human Behavior, 24(4), 1552-1571. (NSC91-2520-S-003-023 and NSC93-2520-S-003-004) (SSCI)

Sung, Y. T., Lee, M. D., & Chang, K. E. (2008). Designing multimedia games for young children’s taxonomic concept development.  Computers and Education, 50(3), 1037-1051. (SSCI)

Wang, W. L., Sung, Y. T., Sung, F. C., Lu, T. H., & Li, C. Y. (2008). Low birth weight, prematurity, and paternal social status: Impact on the basic competence test in Taiwanese adolescents. The Journal of Pediatrics, 153(3), 333-338. (SCI)

Chang, K. E., & Sung, Y. T., Lin, S. Y. (2007). Developing geometry thinking through multimedia learning activities. Computers in Human Behavior, 23(5), 2212-2229. (SSCI)

Chang, K. E., & Sung, Y. T., Zheng, J. W. (2007). Hypermedia authoring with writing process guidance. British Journal of Educational Technology, 38(5), 851-860. (SSCI)

Hou, H. T., Chang, K. E., & Sung, Y. T. (2007). An analysis of peer assessment online discussions within a course that uses project-based learning. Interactive Learning Environments, 15(3), 237-251. (NSC95-2524-S-003-002) (SSCI)

Lan, Y. J., Sung, Y. T., & Chang, K. E. (2007). A mobile-device-supported peer-assisted learning system for collaborative early EFL reading. Language Learning & Technology, 11(3), 130-151. (NSC 96-2520-S-003-012-MY3)

Sung, Y. T., & Lesgold, A. (2007). Software infrastructure for teachers: A missing link in integrating technology with instruction. Teachers College Record, 109(11), 2541-2575. (NSC93-2524-S-003-013;  NSC94-2524-S-003-006; NSC94-2524-S-003-014) (SSCI)

Chang, K. E., Sung, Y. T., & Lin, S. F. (2006).Computer-assisted learning for mathematical problem solving. Computers and Education, 46(2), 140-151. (NSC 90-2520-S-003-006) (SSCI)

Chang, K. E., Sung, Y. T., & Hou, H. T. (2006). Web-based tools for designing and developing teaching materials for integration of information technology into instruction. Educational Technology and Society, 9(4), 139-149. (SSCI)

Lan, R. J., Chang, K. E., & Sung, Y. T. (2006). Cooperative learning in small EFL early reading groups. Journal of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics, 9, 200-231.

Lan, Y. J., Sung, Y. T., & Chang, K. E. (2006). Collaborative early EFL reading among distributed learners: A simulation pilot study. The JALT CALL Journal, 2(2), 3-18

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